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Airfare price history charts for all flights to Oklahoma City

Airfare history to Oklahoma City

In order to find cheap airfares to Oklahoma City your preferred destination, simply use the directory of popular flight route combinations below. Please note that if your city is not in the list, you will need to enter the search in the search boxes. Simply enter your departure as have already filled in your Oklahoma City arrival airport.

More fare history to Oklahoma City

Route Price
Airfares from Denver (Denver International Airport) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $67
Airfares from Santa Ana (SANTA ANA WAYNE INTL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $117
Airfares from Phoenix (PHOENIX INTL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $117
Airfares from Omaha (OMAHA EPPLEY) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $121
Airfares from Los Angeles (LOS ANGELES INTL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $127
Airfares from Cleveland (CLEVELAND HOPKINS) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $127
Airfares from Portland (PORTLAND INTL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $139
Airfares from Chicago (CHICAGO O'HARE) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $146
Airfares from Atlanta (ATLANTA HARTSFIELD) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $167
Airfares from Albuquerque (ALBUQUERQUE INTL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $217
Airfares from Beaumont/Port Arthur (BEAUMONT) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $229
Airfares from Chicago (CHICAGO MIDWAY) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $239
Airfares from Houston (HOUSTON INTERCONT) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $241
Airfares from Minneapolis (MINNEAPOLIS INTL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $255
Airfares from Madison (MADISON TRUAX FLD) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $258
Airfares from Orlando (ORLANDO INT'L) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $276
Airfares from Colorado Springs (COLORADO SPRINGS PETERSON) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $288
Airfares from South Bend (SOUTH BEND ST. JOSEPH) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $303
Airfares from Fresno (FRESNO TERMINAL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $303
Airfares from San Jose (SAN JOSE) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $316
Airfares from Detroit (DETROIT WAYNE CO) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $325
Airfares from Milwaukee (MILWAUKEE G MITCHELL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $334
Airfares from Gulfport (GULFPORT/BILOXI BILOXI REG) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $346
Airfares from New York (NEW YORK NY/NEWARK LA GUARDIA) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $348
Airfares from Chadron (CHADRON) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $352
Airfares from Islip (LONG ISLAND MACARTHUR) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $353
Airfares from Newark (NEW YORK NY/NEWARK NEWARK INL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $353
Airfares from New Orleans (NEW ORLEANS INTL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $354
Airfares from New York (NEW YORK NY/NEWARK KENNEDY) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $354
Airfares from Oakland (OAKLAND INTL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $356
Airfares from Pittsburgh (PITTSBURGH INTL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $361
Airfares from Moline (MOLINE QUAD CITY) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $367
Airfares from Peoria (PEORIA GTR PEORIA) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $367
Airfares from San Francisco (SAN FRANCISCO INTL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $375
Airfares from Columbus (COLUMBUS INT'L) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $386
Airfares from Pueblo (PUEBLO) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $396
Airfares from Las Vegas (LAS VEGAS MCCARRAN) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $406
Airfares from Houston (HOUSTON HOBBY) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $413
Airfares from Montgomery (MONTGOMERY DANNELLY) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $426
Airfares from Bakersfield (BAKERSFIELD MEADOW FLD) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $433
Airfares from Toronto (TORONTO PEARSON) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $439
Airfares from Tampa (TAMPA TAMPA) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $453
Airfares from Visalia (VISALIA) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $484
Airfares from Syracuse (SYRACUSE HANCOCK) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $484
Airfares from Reno (RENO CANNON) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $497
Airfares from Rapid City (RAPID CITY REGIONAL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $501
Airfares from El Paso (EL PASO INTL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $547
Airfares from San Diego (SAN DIEGO LINDBERG) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $590
Airfares from Carlsbad (CARLSBAD) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $592
Airfares from Canton/Akron (AKRON/CANTON) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $606
Airfares from Anchorage (ANCHORAGE INTL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $624
Airfares from Ontario (ONTARIO INT'L) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $670
Airfares from Salt Lake City (SALT LAKE CITY INTL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $687
Airfares from Washington DC (WASHINGTON NATIONAL) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $731
Airfares from Toronto (TORONTO TORONTO IS) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $763
Airfares from Baltimore (BALTIMORE INT'L) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $947
Airfares from Paris (PARIS DE GAULLE) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $1100
Airfares from Edinburgh (EDINBURGH TURNHOUSE) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $1166
Airfares from Bangalore (BANGALORE HINDUSTAN) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $2439
Airfares from Chennai (MADRAS MENMBARKAM) to Oklahoma City (OKC) $2516