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Airfare price history charts for all flights to Rochester

Airfare history to Rochester

In order to find cheap airfares to Rochester your preferred destination, simply use the directory of popular flight route combinations below. Please note that if your city is not in the list, you will need to enter the search in the search boxes. Simply enter your departure as have already filled in your Rochester arrival airport.

More fare history to Rochester

Route Price
Airfares from Orlando (ORLANDO INT'L) to Rochester (ROC) $95
Airfares from Fort Lauderdale (FT. LAUDERDALE INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $99
Airfares from Houston (HOUSTON INTERCONT) to Rochester (ROC) $177
Airfares from Baltimore (BALTIMORE INT'L) to Rochester (ROC) $198
Airfares from Durham/Raleigh (RALEIGH/DURHAM INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $207
Airfares from New York (NEW YORK NY/NEWARK LA GUARDIA) to Rochester (ROC) $216
Airfares from New York (NEW YORK NY/NEWARK KENNEDY) to Rochester (ROC) $225
Airfares from Boston (BOSTON LOGAN) to Rochester (ROC) $226
Airfares from Newark (NEW YORK NY/NEWARK NEWARK INL) to Rochester (ROC) $229
Airfares from High Point (GREENSBORO/H.PT/WIN-SALEM P.T. INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $231
Airfares from Washington DC (WASHINGTON DULLES) to Rochester (ROC) $236
Airfares from Washington DC (WASHINGTON NATIONAL) to Rochester (ROC) $243
Airfares from Charlotte (CHARLOTTE DOUGLAS) to Rochester (ROC) $250
Airfares from Las Vegas (LAS VEGAS MCCARRAN) to Rochester (ROC) $253
Airfares from Denver (Denver International Airport) to Rochester (ROC) $260
Airfares from Tampa (TAMPA TAMPA) to Rochester (ROC) $278
Airfares from Kansas City (KANSAS CITY INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $285
Airfares from Cleveland (CLEVELAND HOPKINS) to Rochester (ROC) $314
Airfares from West Palm Beach (WEST PALM BEACH INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $316
Airfares from Houston (HOUSTON HOBBY) to Rochester (ROC) $334
Airfares from Albuquerque (ALBUQUERQUE INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $354
Airfares from Philadelphia (PHILADELPHIA PA/WILM'TON INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $356
Airfares from Birmingham (BIRMINGHAM) to Rochester (ROC) $394
Airfares from Phoenix (PHOENIX INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $410
Airfares from San Francisco (SAN FRANCISCO INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $417
Airfares from Santa Ana (SANTA ANA WAYNE INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $435
Airfares from Islip (LONG ISLAND MACARTHUR) to Rochester (ROC) $456
Airfares from Vancouver (VANCOUVER INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $490
Airfares from Indianapolis (INDIANAPOLIS INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $510
Airfares from Regina (REGINA MUNICIPAL) to Rochester (ROC) $524
Airfares from Los Angeles (LOS ANGELES INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $526
Airfares from Chicago (CHICAGO O'HARE) to Rochester (ROC) $537
Airfares from San Diego (SAN DIEGO LINDBERG) to Rochester (ROC) $551
Airfares from Winnipeg (WINNIPEG INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $574
Airfares from Seattle (SEATTLE/TACOMA SEA/TAC) to Rochester (ROC) $587
Airfares from Saint Johns (ST. JOHNS) to Rochester (ROC) $685
Airfares from Edmonton (EDMONTON INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $727
Airfares from Fort Mcmurray (FT. MCMURRAY) to Rochester (ROC) $768
Airfares from Springfield (SPRINGFIELD REGIONAL) to Rochester (ROC) $818
Airfares from Hong Kong (HONG KONG INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $835
Airfares from Vienna (VIENNA SCHWECHAT) to Rochester (ROC) $1022
Airfares from Santa Fe (SANTA FE) to Rochester (ROC) $1032
Airfares from Oakland (OAKLAND INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $1135
Airfares from Mumbai (BOMBAY) to Rochester (ROC) $1180
Airfares from Gander (GANDER MUNICIPAL) to Rochester (ROC) $1263
Airfares from Warsaw (WARSAW OKECIE) to Rochester (ROC) $1445
Airfares from Delhi (DELHI GANDHI) to Rochester (ROC) $1519
Airfares from Thessaloniki (THESSALONIKI MAKEDONIA) to Rochester (ROC) $1670
Airfares from Doha (DOHA) to Rochester (ROC) $1751
Airfares from Colombo (COLOMBO KATUNAYAKE) to Rochester (ROC) $1942
Airfares from Abu Dhabi (ABU DHABI INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $2155
Airfares from Calgary (CALGARY INTL) to Rochester (ROC) $2168